For the purposes of the Act and the Regulations, Procuring Entities shall be considered the following.
• The Ministries of the Government of Kiribati;
• Entities that are funded by Public Funds* or Government controlled by 50% or more;
• “State Owned Enterprises” or “SOE” are the companies incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 10A) in which all the shares or the majority of shares in the company are held by or on behalf of the Government;
• “Statutory Corporation” means companies or corporations owned by a government with or without other shareholders or a body without shareholders that is controlled by national or sub-national government to the (in some cases minimal) extent provided for in the creating legislation.
For the list of SOEs including Statutory Corporations refer to Schedule 1 of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 2013.
* Public Funds means public money or public financial assets deriving from the state budget or from International Donors’ funding already approved, being subject of a bilateral agreement with GoK, and available for the Government or under the control of the Procuring Entity. Public Funds include public tax, social contributions and other mandatory fees decided by the Government.